[V8] RE: Brake Upgrades

Michael Thomas irnstrw at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 11 01:51:40 EST 2005


I've been looking at a lot of options for brakes
(round up the usual suspects) and maybe the least
expensive upgrade is a set of flat faced Zimmerman A8,
312x25 rotors ($56 each at autohausaz.com - free
shipping) using the stock calipers and a custom
locally machined bracket to mount the stock caliper
correctly. ($200). Then add new V8 pads, like PBR
Deluxe organic and your done. ($82 + shipping from

Don't even have to bleed the brakes if you don't want
to. The only downside I see, is that the rotor face
and caliper are 5/8" farther out. The wheel stays in
the same place, so no spacers required. With my 17"
BBS RX, I still have about 1/2" clearance from the
caliper to the inside of the wheel spokes.

Total cost: $402 ± a buck or two.

Drop me an email off list if you want to talk more
about it. I'm not sure if I need shorter lug bolts or
not, I haven't look at what the bolts bolt into yet.

Best regards,
Michael Thomas
'93 Pearl

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