[V8] Re: RADIO RECEPTION/ antenna issues

J123fs at aol.com J123fs at aol.com
Sat Mar 12 11:30:07 EST 2005

Hey all,
I just replaced my external antenna on my 91 V8. 
Crutchfield buy far has the best selection of antennae in stock. The local  
high end radio shop I frequent doesn't even stock em anymore.
I replaced my now dead power mast with a generic Italian made Zendar non  
power unit (no, not the spoiler co.) and reception is spot on whereas the  
Heirsmann? power unit had a lot of trouble pulling in Boston stations here in  
southern NH. I do not have that problem now. 
I also bought an external signal amp from Crutchfield that is a definite  
step up from the junk available on Ebay or at the local radio shack/circuit  
city/generic electronic store.  It also helped pulling in distant  stations a lot.
And after looking at the situation someone who is relatively handy could  use 
the old cell antenna hole for an external mast if they no longer use the  
My car came with a driver side rear hole, so I do not have issues, but  
running the long extension to the head unit might be a bit of fun (sarcasm, as I  
have done it, and it wasn't fun) , a good garage type project for snowy day 
like  today here in NH.
My own car has the fact. cell antenna, the drivers side external mast and a  
third center mast mounted above the rear window for XM ( which is THE BEST,  
period), though I have been accused by friends of having the rear of the  car 
look like a state troopers with all the masts....but I'm pretty sure no  
troopers have a 91 V8 with 17's on it! : -) 
Bored and watching the snow fall again in NH.

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