[V8] Twinkle twinkle little light . . .

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Mar 19 05:33:27 EST 2005

Most likely the bomb, Mike.  You can test it by shutting off the engine and
count the number of pumps before the brake pedal goes hard.  Under 10 pumps
is considered marginal bomb life left.  15-20 means you're likely to have
reliable braking for another year or so.

At 08:34 PM 3/18/2005 -0500, Mike Arman wrote:
>I notice that a quick stab on the brake pedal blinks the "brake" light in 
>the warning light cluster when the engine is at idle.
>No blinking on steady pressure, no blinking on brake application when car 
>is moving.

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