[V8] German Pricing

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Mon Mar 21 12:19:07 EST 2005

> While the exchange rate hurts, the perceived quality of the 
> product also seems to hurt the Jetta and the overall VW 
> product line.

Very much so.  My perception, for instance.  I personally know two
people who have had their jetta/golf replaced under lemon law, after 2+
years of total dissatisfaction and fighting.  I know a third who used to
love his '02 Jetta GLI like the family dog, but now flat out hates it
due to constant and various service issues.

With my family going from 2 to 4 in under two years, my ongoing search
for a proper family wagon would be a no-brainer (Passat), but seeing as
100% satisfied late-model VW owners are a rare breed, I'm forced to
consider all sorts of alternatives.  Sure they're really, really great
when running, but I can't even consider one because I'm afraid I'd be
sucked in by the sweet ride, fit/finish, overall dynamics, etc. only to
be faced with a service nightmare... Though in a couple years an
off-lease phaeton might be a different story...

'54 - '96 VW fan -- you can keep the rest.

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