[V8] Re: cold weather killing gas mileage (AHA!!!)

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Sun May 1 23:14:48 EDT 2005

On the coldest days (10 degrees F) at 70mph for an hour, mine's always shown 70-80 C and on blistering hot days (95 degrees F) it reads 95-100 C. It's dead on 87 the other 320 days a year.  That's been true with three different t-stats. 

And that's a lot of numbers for one post. 


David A. Coleman
Sent via BlackBerry Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
To: quickaudi at aol.com <quickaudi at aol.com>; v8 at audifans.com <v8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Sun May 01 23:02:43 2005
Subject: Re: [V8] Re: cold weather killing gas mileage (AHA!!!)

I meant that given the same driving circumstance, say steady 70 mph on a
highway, a properly functioning thermostat should keep the engine at the same
temperature whether the ambient temperature is, say,  20 degrees F or  70
degrees  F.    

At 10:15 PM 5/1/2005 -0400, quickaudi at aol.com wrote: 
>  I don't think I understand.  It isn't fluctuating at steady driving.  I'm
> just saying, in general, when it is 30 degrees outside, the car will run
> cooler, as opposed to 70 degrees outside, where it will run a little warmer. 
> It is a steady temperature, whatever that might be.
> Joel
> '90 V8q
> '86 5kcstq
> -----Original Message-----
> If the operating temperature is fluctuating at steady driving, you have a
> partially nonfunctional thermostat.  It shouldn't run "warmer when it's
> warm and cooler when it's cool".  

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