[V8] IC removal

pdlord at talent.com.au pdlord at talent.com.au
Sun May 22 07:50:25 EDT 2005

I've done a search on this but can't find anyone who's made it clear how 
they've removed the IC, tho plenty on trouble shooting the various IC probs 
(mine are intermittent selective dash light failure and intermittent temp 
gauge failure). 

I thought that there was no exact info because it was a simple operation. Not 
for me... Took the thin plastic trim off below the IC, then the top 1/2 of 
column shroud. Took of screws on lower IC assy, then tried to pull IC assy 
forward and out. Moved out a little, but basically no luck. Some resistance 
from behind the IC was one thing (so I pulled the lower panel to look up from 
behind the IC to pull any connectors as required, couldn't see any problem - 
but then couldn't see much anyway with the mass of wires back there!).

It looks like indicator/wiper switches and steering wheel will have to come 
off to allow room for the lower IC tabs to clear. Ran out of time on this and 
had to re-assemble. Will try again, but had the feeling I was missing 
something - is it really this hard to remove the IC?

Anyone shed light on this? Note this is a RHD 1990 w/out airbags but principle 
should be the same for LHD. I hope.  

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