[V8] Power Steering Hoses: Need Help

Campozano, Robert RCAMPOZANO at mgmmirage.net
Tue May 24 15:49:55 EDT 2005

Hello list,
My power steering hoses are leaking.  The one that connects to the PS
fluid tank and 1 other main hose is leaking consistently.  It has gotten
really bad these last couple of weeks.  I want to send my hoses to
Spokane but being that this is my only form of transportation, I have no
way of sending the hoses without being down for a week.  My question:
Does anyone have spare leaking/bad hoses I can send to Spokane hose and
have fixed, then once I install the new hoses I can send the ones I took
off of my car to whomever did me the favor?  Please let me know.  The
Las Vegas summer arrived sooner then expected and fluid seems to leak a
lot more when it's hot out.  Thanks in advance for any help anyone can
throw my way.
Zay Campozano | Computer Engineer | MGM MIRAGE(tm)
rcampozano at MGMMirage.net

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