[V8] The ongoing TB Saga 5

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Wed Nov 9 17:01:20 EST 2005

After struggling to drill out the broken waterpump housing bolt  between
cleaning up blown-down trees, leaking roofs and a worn out shower faucet
control, I've got the new thermostat and waterpump in place and am about to
replace the oil pump pulley bearing and seal.  The manual says "remove oil
pump drive", which I translate to take out the three Alan screws and remove
the pulley and its bearing?????  How's this done once the three screws are
out?  Can I pry on the toothed pulley or is there some trick like Dave
Head's for loosening the cam pulleys?

The manual calls for using a bearing puller to remove the seals.  The
nominated bearing puller by Kukko costs $240.  Is this also required to
separate the bearing from the pulley?  Is there an alternative to
extracting the seal?

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