[V8] NAC networked switches

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Nov 28 15:38:04 EST 2005

We just got back from yet another trip to Port Angles WA in the Explorer.
The rig ran great as usual but I had one bizzare problem.

It rains a LOT up on the Olympic Peninsula, and after a unusually hard downpour
that lasted all night, we got in the car and drove about 20 minutes with no
problems. After visiting friends, we got back in the car and the kids opened up
the sun roof (it was no longer raining) to shout and scream "goodbye". As soon
as I put the car in gear (R), about a cup of water poured out of the sun visor
hinge - right onto the cruise control switches on the steering wheel. It turns
out these switches are all on some sort of network - along with the radio
controls and the horn. Needless to say, the cruise did not work, but the horn
did come on whenever you pressed the cruise "ON" button. Nice.

I took apart the switch and dried it out with a hair drier. It seems to mostly
be OK now but the "set" function is a little flakey.


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