[V8] Snowboard Racks

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Tue Nov 29 08:08:14 EST 2005

I have a set of the Yakima bars with ends designed to grip the V8 roofedge
where the marks for racks are (see your owner manual).  I'm pretty sure
Yakima has a snowboard fixture to add to the bars.  I made a platform that
fastens to the bars for hauling bulky items.  Used this setup on both the
V8 and 200q20v.  I think Yakima's list of Audi models the ends work with
did not include the V8, but did include  5000 and 200 models, which use the
same roofline.

At 07:29 AM 11/29/2005 -0500, bblake1055 at aol.com wrote:
>Anybody have a source for snowboard racks for the V8's? (1990)
>90 V8
>91 V8
>92 V8
>93 V8
>93 V8 5 spd
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