[V8] Heater Box Woes

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Tue Oct 4 12:54:49 EDT 2005

There are a lot of clips - some are pretty well hidden

There are three (I think) screws that take a very long phillips screwdriver to
get out. Mark which side the screws go in - it is not that obvious two days

Remove the heater flap motor (under the white cover) and remove an "E" clip from
one of the flap shafts.

That is all I can remember.

The Bently for any type 44 should cover this in good detail.
It should always be your primary source. I find that the manual usually covers
this stuff pretty well.


Quoting "Klein, Nathan P" <nathan.p.klein at lmco.com>:

> Hey everyone,
> I spent this weekend getting the heater box out of the car.
> Thanks for all the tips as to how to extract it.
> I was surprised that it was almost as big as the whole engine on my old VW
> Beetle.
> But now - how the &%*$@ do I get it apart?  I removed all of the spring
> clips, the flap is disconnected, took off the two soleniods, disconnected the
> flap spring.....nothing.  The case won't budge apart.
> What am I missing?
> ¡Gracias!
> Nathan
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