[V8] On the road to recovery - was ECU grounding, etc. (abridged)

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Oct 12 09:30:34 EDT 2005

Yup... Though I must admit the silver lining was having a reason to
clear the cat out!  I was going to delve back in last night and unplug
the O2, but it was almost 2am.  I'd dropped a windshield washer nut down
the water escape hole under the cowl, and when I had trouble finding
such a simple replacement nut, I embarked on a garage organizing
adventure.  That took me from 9pm to 1pm.  By then it stopped raining
and I finished replacing the maf and putting 'er all back together.

So I guess I got to Pittsburgh via Shanghai, but learned a bunch about
the wiring setup in this car that I'd been able to avoid previously.


> That's great news, Dave!  With the previous Cat problem (in 
> all likleyhood caused by the too rich running with the bad 
> MAF), your oxygen sensor is toast.  Preliminarily, you might 
> want to confirm by simply unplugging the OXS and 
> ddisconnecting the battery for a bit to reset the ECU before 
> replacing the OXS or not.
> Ingo
> >
> > ANYWAY, I replaced the maf and my car runs much better. 
> Word to the wise:
> don't take the order in which the book walks thru diagnostics 
> too literally.
> One of my early gut feelings was the maf sensor but in 150k 
> miles I haven't
> had one go. Guess I was due...

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