[V8] da bomb

dsaad@icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu Oct 13 14:06:23 EDT 2005

I finally got my PS hose back from Spokane Hose.
It turns out my shipping clerk forgot to put a return address on the box - so it
took a few extra days and added overnight shipping costs.

They did the repair for free, and I remain happy with their quality and service.
I also put on the new bomb, and sure enough the pulsation in the wheel is gone.
The brake pedal feel is much different too. Looks like my old bomb was in pretty
bad shape.

I was also quite amazed at how little hydraulic oil I have left from my 5 gallon
bucket. When I got the oil, I flushed the system several times, and then had two
more "hose events" where I just dumped the oil in the tank when doing the
If I was using Pento$in I probably would have had to reuse the old oil. Ouch.

So - my goat leggings are back on :-)


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