[V8] A bit OT - but certainly a safety concern - but not with the V8
dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu Oct 13 18:51:45 EDT 2005
Whose population are they controlling? Are they trying to sell this turd in
It looks like the steering wheel raked the dummies head off.
...On the other hand it is CHEAPER than a real car, built by people who live in
something more than a mud hut and make more than a bowl of rice a day.
You can bet if they sell it here, people will buy it. Perhaps Walmart could
market them?
I better quit now - blood pressure rising
Quoting cobram at juno.com:
> "Chinese Landwind - death sentence"
> I knew their 1 child policy wasn't working very well, I see they've come
> up with an alternative population control measure.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Back home, they put me in jail for what I'm doing. Here, they give me
> awards.
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