[V8] transmission whoes part Duex

Eric Devansky edevansky at gmail.com
Sun Oct 16 01:48:01 EDT 2005

I can't help you with your transmission... But...

One of the things I used to help dry out my old 911 Targa (in which putting
the top on in a storm would net MORE water in the car) was a good chemical
dehumidifier available at any marine store.. Get the car mostly dry, roll
the windows up, and let it sit in there for 48 hours or so.


On 10/15/05, J123fs at aol.com <J123fs at aol.com> wrote:
> I pulled the carpet and there is no standing water.....the carpet on the
> sill is damp, and the seat....but the window was only open about a quarter
> of an
> inch.....Curiously, there was more moisture under the drivers side carpet,
> which was wet to the touch on it's underside (foam).
> One thing though, has anyone thought through the buzzing relay sound
> coming
> from the ECU area? I get the noise with the key turned to the accesory
> position, and it stops maybe 5 seconds after the car starts.....I plan on
> digging in
> there tomorrow when the water subsides and I can walk across my driveway
> without waders (not kidding!).
> Could be a short of some sort?
> Thanks!
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