[V8] engine stand/motor mount

Eric Devansky edevansky at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 21:36:54 EDT 2005

An engine stand won't work to change the motor mounts. What you really need
is an engine hoist, with the chain and hydraulic pump to lift the engine up,
and take the pressure off of the mounts. That works like a champ when
changing the mounts on my Volvo and Porsche, I can't imagine the V8Q will be
any different.

I finally broke down and bought one, but in the times that I didn't a post
on craigslist.com <http://craigslist.com> will typically net someone willing
to let you borrow one, if that does not work check your local tool rental
shop, they will have one you can rent for a nominal fee.


On 10/20/05, John Dodd <john.dodd at sait.ca> wrote:
> Hi
> Could I use an engine stand to support the engine in order to change the
> motor mounts ?
> If yes, a 750 lb is OK ?
> thanks
> John
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