[V8] Goodyear Tires

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Mon Oct 24 22:25:35 EDT 2005

The original Audi-spec tire size was 215/60/15.   I have an owner manual
that has a tire size page insert that lists the 205 size, but the bound-in
page is 215. The 65 is a tad taller.  The 205 is a bit more narrow.  All
four tires should be the same size.  The skinny spare, if you're using
that, is a 17-inch wheel, but the OD of the tire matches up to the 60.  So
it shouldn't be run with three 65s for any distance.

At 07:00 PM 10/24/2005 -0700, Greg Furstenwerth wrote:
>Ok here is a question. I am not sure the standard size of tire. My 
>owners manual says 205/60-15 as you said and tirerack.com says 205/60-15 
>but the tire that is on there is 205/65-15. I am wondering what the deal 
>is here :/ I am kinda worried now heh...  Reading back through stevens 
>email. The numbers on one of the rims are as follows I dont know if this 
>7 1/2 J15H2ET35
>And they are the Audi BBS stock rims.
>I assume that 7 1/2 means that its a 15x7.5 as Steve said but you guys 
>would know better than me. I dont really know about tire sizes and all 
>that I am just learning what all these things mean.
>Anyway I noticed that with the tire size that I currently have on some 
>terrible federal tires that the previous owner had on the car are 
>205/65-15 and they are H rated pretty terrible tires for the V8 but I 
>plan on treating it right and getting everything done. I just dont want 
>to have issues with the car. Will this tire cause problems with the car? 
>Do I need to worry about getting it changed soon or is it fine to run 
>that tire and if so that means that I can fit on the comfortreds. AFAIK 
>the brakes are stock pretty much everything on that car is stock from 
>what I can tell.
>Thanks very much guys.
>Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
>>Well, no experience with those tires in particular.  However, I do have
>>experience with the Goodyear Eagle GA tires that came on my my first V8 when
>>I bought it in 1994.  They were very quiet tires and did OK except for
>>anything over a few inches inches of snow.  They were standard equipment on
>>the L*xus LS400 at the time and were in size 205/65-15.  So you could use
>>that size of those Comfortred tires or as Steve mentioned, the 215/60-15
>>Assurance Tripletred tires.  I wouldn't go with a 205/60 series tire either,
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Greg Furstenwerth" <slicerdicer at comcast.net>
>>To: "V8 List" <v8 at audifans.com>
>>Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:50 PM
>>Subject: [V8] Goodyear Tires
>>>I am wondering if anybody has any experience with how to get the
>>>comfortred tires I really want them but the stock V8 rims do not support
>>>those tires. Anybody know of a rim that will not conflict with the car
>>>and will allow for that tire?
>>>93 V8Q
>>>North Bend, WA
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