[V8] Different Tire Sizes

Michael Thomas irnstrw at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 27 02:23:04 EDT 2005

Without getting into what the differentials do, if
different tire sizes are used at the same time then
something has to give. When someone says that the
difference between 65% and 60% of a sidewall is tiny,
they haven't done the math.

215	215
60	65
15	15
25.16	26.00    diameter in inches
79.03	81.69    circumference in inches
801	775      revolutions per mile

If the driveline/differentials do not slip then the
slippage must be between the tires and the road. Even
if not perceptable to the driver, there is a lot of
tire scuffing going on.

(Yes, I know the actual revs per mile is higher
because the tire is not truly round, but the 25
revolution per mile difference is still the same.)

It wouldn't matter to me what size you decide to put
on your quattro, as long as all 4 were the same size.

Michael Thomas
'93 Pearl w/ 17" BBS RX

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