[V8] HELP!! Door Panel Removal

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Sat Oct 29 23:25:28 EDT 2005

Phillips screws?  They shoould be 4mm allens up there.  For whatever reason I unscrew them 12 rotations each then yank the armrest straight outward. It might take a bit af force but it should detatch. Then it's just a couple pjillips screws and pop the outer edge clips off -- just like any typical door panel. Let us know if any issues. 


David A. Coleman
Sent via BlackBerry Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com <v8-bounces at audifans.com>
To: Audifans V8 <V8 at audifans.com>
Sent: Sat Oct 29 18:27:38 2005
Subject: [V8] HELP!! Door Panel Removal

OK - I searched the archives and found out how
 to remove the arm rest. Then I undid the
 three phillips screws. Then I started
pulling. The bottom half came away without a
problem. But the top is much more difficult. 
I have everything pulled away but there seems
to be something holding it on (and tightly!) right 
around the door handle. I've tried to look and
see what it is, but I really can't tell.

UUUgghhhh! Do I just keep pulling? Do I pull
straight out? Or up? Or side to side?? It looks
like I need to take the door handle off, but
nothing I read suggested that needed to be

Thanks guys - I'm hoping for a quick response
b/c the car is in pieces. I'm replacing the stereo
& speakers. Things were going well and this
has really thrown me.

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