[V8] TB cover

John Dodd jidodd at shaw.ca
Sun Oct 30 21:44:11 EST 2005

For stripped bolts there is a tool called "easy out" (yeah ,sure).
Also check this : http://www.tools-plus.com/irw394001.html
Another trick that works but it's a little risky is the following:
Find the exact center for the bolt and mark it with a pen.
Use a center punch to mark the center.
Start with a very small drill bit (<1/16) and drill a hole in the bolt.
Keep going up in sizes until the last size is the same as the peaks on
the thread.
Then you'll be able to just pull on the remaining thread left inside.
Make sure you're bang on in the middle with the mark.
I think the tool above may work too.

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