[V8] Backseat of a v8 enough room...

NicolCS at aol.com NicolCS at aol.com
Fri Apr 7 00:19:09 EDT 2006

Sorta depends on the size of the baby seat.  The infant buckets fit just 
fine. My daughter (5) is in a convertable intermediate size seat that's good up to 
40lbs. When it's in backwards (back facing front) it's no problem. When it's 
in forward facing for bigger kids, there isn't much room for legs. This seat 
class is really thick, front to back.  Her hip-point is at least 8 inches off 
the back of the Audi seatback. When the seat is in the middle, my 42" girl has 
to put her feet on the console lid. If her seat is behind one of the other 
front seats its uncomfortably tight for her.  We usually put her in the front 
seat (no airbag in my '90 there) and she just loves that! We are just 
transitioning to the final weight class seat.  These seats are very thin and low so her 
legs will have plenty of room. The only car I've found that would accomodate 
that middle-style seat was a DeVille!   The Astro van is delightful in that 
regard. (You don't have to bend down at all to strap them in)
craig nicol
Well, time to seriously get a new car for the wife as the old one is sold. So 
the question becomes how big is the rear seat in a 93 v8? Is there enough 
room for two tall people in the front seat, and room for a baby seat? With my 95 
540i/6 the front seats (5'11" & 5'9") have to be moved in order to fit the car 
seat (tilt and a little closer), and there's not a whole lot of room. Thanks 
in advance. 


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