[V8] Stebro GB & Vid sound

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 11 15:07:19 EDT 2006


 I have a Stebro exhaust on my 90 V8. It sounds
wonderfull! I get TONS of looks. Lots of trouble, if
you know what I mean!
 One question I have is, is it for both sections? Or
only the rear section? Geez it was almost $900US when
it was new. If they could through in high flow cats
(as someone mentioned) I would be interested in that.
Could a price be made available?

Heres a link to about 10 seconds of vid of what it
sounds like.
1990 80Q AAN'D project
90 V8Q 3.6 not stock
93 V8Q 4.2 not stock "The Green Monster"
& a Porsche 944

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