[V8] feedback wanted from YOU about the ACNA and North Atlantic Chapter

Brett Dikeman quattro at frank.mercea.net
Tue Apr 11 19:47:30 EDT 2006

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Hey all-

You've probably noticed a few posts here and there from Peter Schulz  
or myself about the new North Atlantic Audi Club (MA, ME, NH, RI)  
monthly dinner meetings, a few social events, etc.  NAAC is a chapter  
of the Audi Club North America (The Club Formerly Known As "The  
Quattro Club") and any ACNA members residing in those states are  
automatically members, and also fully entitled to attend any ACNA  
chapter's events.

ACNA hasn't always been the most popular subject here on Audifans,  
though from what I've seen over the years, I think the national club  
has changed for the better quite a bit.  However, for the national  
club, membership retention is an issue.  Also, the North Atlantic  
chapter could stand to get some feedback and involvement from members  
past and present, as well as from the general Audi enthusiast  
community. I think there is a clear need for those running the show  
(or helping to do so) to follow the OLD Audi motto: "listen".

Audifans is well "represented"; Scott Downs aka SuffolkD, Peter  
Schulz, and Chris Miller are also interim directors; a couple of  
other Audifans people signed the petition for the new chapter as  
well.  As one of the interim directors of the new chapter I'd be  
interested to hear constructive thoughts about the club/chapter.  The  
chapter is in a critical time, as bylaws will be drafted soon,  
elections run...there's also a calendar of social events shaping up  
nicely (I think- maybe you feel differently? Let me know!)  There  
just isn't much in the way of feedback through normal chapter  
channels, even when the club begs for it in the newsletter or  
occasional email announcements.

   What's it (national or NAAC) doing right or wrong? What would you  
like to see?  What would make you sign up as a member if you're not  
one already?  If you were one, why did you not renew?  I'm especially  
interested if you think there's a problem and can identify solutions,  
or if you have suggestions on how the club could be more useful to  
members.  Or if you have questions in general about the new chapter  
or the national organization- I can't promise to have answers for  
every question, but I can certainly try to help you find them.  If  
you're interested in getting involved, I can also try to help you  
there as well.  There is a lot of opportunity, including running for  
office in the next elections!

    Feel free to forward my email to friends or associates who are  
ACNA members, past or present, or Audi enthusiasts.  I'd suggest  
replies go off-list to me directly, if you wouldn't mind.  Be as  
candid as you like.  I can do whatever you wish with your comments-  
keep them under my hat but use them to guide myself for the remainder  
of my term and as a continuing volunteer, share them with the board  
with your name or anonymously, etc.  Just let me know what  
consideration to give your comments, and please also include whether  
you're a member (past, present, future?  How long?) so I know your  
perspective.  Take your time, but if you get your comments to me by  
Thursday afternoon, I can bring them to the next board meeting if you  

Thanks in advance for your time, and Fire At Will! :-)

Interim member of the board of directors, North Atlantic chapter of  
the Audi Club North America (say that five times fast!)

PS:Informal personal effort, not on behalf of other directors/ 
officers or the club/chapter, not speaking for the club/chapter,  
yadda yadda :-)
PPS:The club's website is http://www.naaclub.org if you'd like to  
give feedback on that as well, or for info about the board meetings  
(first Thursday of each month generally), monthly dinners (third  
Thursday), or upcoming events (like our first driver ed event at  
NHIS, May 15-16!)
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