[V8] PS hose-return

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Apr 12 10:43:19 EDT 2006

Sorry about the picture quality here, but I think you can get the idea.


Just below and to the left of the tank you see the hose clamp I put on. This
hose runs to the pipe running out of the dryer. The filter is placed here, and
tied to the pipe, and the hose continues around behind the tank to the return
port. I don't have the filter part number handy, but it is just a universal
inline filter for an automatic transmission with 3/8" hose barbs. I got mine at
NAPA, and it is a NAPA brand. This filter can stand the pressures and
temperatures of the transmission so it will be fine in this application. It also
has a bypass feature.

And - mine also had a hose clamp at the rack end of the hard line.


Quoting John Dodd <john.dodd at sait.ca>:

> Dave
> what filter did you place in the line ?
> Also looking at the hose that connects the solid line( pipe) to the rack
> ,the end that's hooked to the rack has a hose clamp on it.
> Is that how the original was done or some kind of modification ?
> J
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