[V8] Keith Tackett going away party any intrest?
Ron Wainwright
ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 15 22:59:29 EDT 2006
Dave, I'm not to sure if Keith has nailed down a sold
date. But your the only lister who's responded so far.
Other East Coast listers must be away from there
I remember looking on the old Audiconnection web site
& seeing people who came from up & down the East Coast
to have Keith work on there V8s. I remember seeing one
that said to the affect that Keith replaced a rack or
something & something happened to it & Keith went to
some were like Florida or someplace to fix it. Can
someone refresh my recollection or does someone else
have a great "Keith bailed me out of a mess" story
that happened to them? Man hear me sounding like he's
Dying or something!
Well just trying to get a showing of V8's.
1990 80Q AAN'D project
90 V8Q 3.6 not stock
93 V8Q 4.2 not stock "The Green Monster"
& a Porsche 944
--- Dave Head <v8q at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> I could get up there the 2nd weekend - but not the
> first. Previous
> commitment...
> Ron Wainwright wrote:
> > Listers, Keith will be going back to Ohio sometime
> >soon & he wants to put a little BBQ of some kind
> >together at the Germanautoconnection shop in
> Suffolk.
> >
> > A thread about what he has in mind is found here,
> >
> > he was thinking mid May. Lets show our support for
> >Keith & send him off proper. Come on guys I'll be
> >driving 11hrs to get there.
> >Thanks
> >Ron
> >1990 80Q AAN'D project
> >90 V8Q 3.6 not stock
> >93 V8Q 4.2 not stock "The Green Monster"
> >& a Porsche 944
> >
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