[V8] That timing belt saga

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Fri Apr 21 19:44:47 EDT 2006

I had to let go of the tensioned belt to take the pix, so there is a bit of
slack.   I do have the locking plates in place.  I'll give that approach a try.

At 07:17 PM 4/21/2006 -0400, cobram at juno.com wrote:
>You could try to put the belt on the sprocket while it's off  (with the
>distributors locked, of course.)   Since  you've got a couple of teeth
>catching on that sprocket,  AND you're sure everything is lined up, you
>can turn the engine very carefully, keeping pressure on the few teeth
>that are catching, this should spin the belt on.  They use fiberglass,
>nylon or something along those lines to reinforce the belt, so it has
>little/no stretch.  I could be wrong, but from the picture, it looks like
>there's some slack you might take up between the tensioning roller and
>the oil pump.
>There are two types of tragedies in life. One is not getting what you
>want, the other is getting it.
>Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> writes:
>> Why can't I get the timing belt onto all its wheels and rollers:
>> http://www.pbase.com/image/58981033/large
>> I've tried a little rolling back and forth of the crankshaft pulley, 
>> the
>> adjuster pulley on the upper left is as loose as it goes and the 
>> belt just
>> won't reach.

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