[V8] airbag light

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun Apr 23 11:05:16 EDT 2006

Got the same notice last week for our V8 #1.  The dealership has to "look"
at the car to determine which of half a dozen different parts AOA wants
replaced.  The service writer has no clue where the module is or what's
involved in having it looked at to make the determination.  Then, of
course, we have to wait for the parts to be delivered before the recall
replacement can be carried out.

An interesting aside, the service writer told me the dealership here no
longer will work on any vehicle more than 10 years old.  He said they don't
have the space to keep the books and tools needed for cars so old, so they
have no way to do any service that requires unique tools or technology.
The guy who went to the V8 training schools is now the shop foreman and
rarely if ever puts his hands on anything.  He's my brother's ex
brother-in-law and I've known him since before he went to work at the
dealership over thirty years ago.  He told me last summer he really can't
remember much about the V8 because the local dealership sold very few and
he did very little work on them.  I'll bet most dealerships don't even have
an Audi-trained V8 mechanic on staff.

At 10:33 AM 4/23/2006 -0400, Ingo Rautenberg wrote:
>He, he.  Funny you should mention that.  I just this week received  
>another recall campaign letter for replacement of the airbag module.   
>Check with your local dealer (Williams Autoworld in Lansing, I  
>believe) to see if you have any recalls open.  The other would be the  
>cruise control rod, IIRC.
>Ingo -- I have more friends, btw :~)  ...and for those monitoring  
>Marketplace -- no, I did not move to Nova Scotia
>On Apr 23, 2006, at 10:16 AM, Tim Hollister wrote:
>> the light for he airbag comes on when you turn the key on as it  
>> should but stays on for approx 2-3
>> minutes then goes off. any ideas?
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