[V8] fuel pressure, poor running
dsaad at icehouse.net
dsaad at icehouse.net
Mon Apr 24 10:53:18 EDT 2006
I wonder if the fuel return line is plugged somehow?
If any sensor was failing, I could see the motor running badly, and being
temperature dependant, but no sensor can change fuel pressure. This is strictly
a mechanical thing.
******* light bulb just turned on in brain - could a fuel injector be getting
stuck on when it is warm? If so, you would see the evidence at the tailpipe and
by inspecting plugs.
I would also expect a code of some sort if this were the case.
(the light bulb just went out....)
Quoting Jeremy Ward <jward.v8 at gmail.com>:
> A friend of ours in Moscow is having some strange problems with his V8. If
> he has a full tank of gas and the motor is cool, he is able to drive the car
> with a decent amount of power, up to 6500rpm. Once warmed up, the max rpm
> is 5000. Also, the less gas he has in the tank, the poorer his power output
> is. If I understand his email correctly, power in 1st gear in fine up to
> 2500 - 3000 rpm, but starts to stutter at around 3500rpm.
> Fuel pressure drops as the engine warms up. Fuel pump is new. Fuel filter
> is new. The gas tank has been 'washed out' twice (not sure what process was
> done here). No change in performance when driven with the fuel cap removed.
> And the kicker - No codes are being thrown.
> Those of you that have replaced gas tanks due to 'holier-than-thou'
> attitudes, what were the symptoms (other than fuel leakage)? Having seen
> the pictures of the restoration of his V8, I know he had a little bit of
> rust. I know fuel pressure regulator doesn't throw a code, but I can't
> imagine it being effected as described.
> Here are the photos (and English translations thanks to Babelfish) of his
> restoration:
> http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=ru_en
> <http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/trurl_pagecontent?lp=ru_en&trurl=h
> ttp%3a%2f%2faudiv8.ru%2fforum%2fviewtopic.php%3ft%3d470%26sid%3dce47de72a6a9
> 34a25796550a1b22820c>
> &trurl=http%3a%2f%2faudiv8.ru%2fforum%2fviewtopic.php%3ft%3d470%26sid%3dce47
> de72a6a934a25796550a1b22820c
> Thanks in advance for your help with Dmitry's problem,
> - Jeremy
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