[V8] Home made brake pressure bleeder

Moy, Bob bob.moy at cte.aecom.com
Thu Apr 20 13:23:48 EDT 2006

Here is a link for DIY home made pressure bleeder



	Home made brake pressure bleeder



	[V8] How to bleed the brakes on a V8

	Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
<mailto:v8 at audifans.com?Subject=%5bV8%5d%20How%20to%20bleed%20the%20brak
es%20on%20a%20V8&In-Reply-To=20060419043336.36277.qmail at web60013.mail.ya
	Wed Apr 19 08:15:43 EDT 2006 

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	Audi's shop manuals call for pressure bleeding of brake systems.
I use an
	Eezibleed   (scroll down the page here:
	http://www.rdent.com/pages/tools.html  )  with about 15 pounds
of air
	pressure.  No need to touch the brake pedal.  I flush the
systems annually
	during the changeover from winter tires to summer tires on the
four Audis
	we drive to reduce the liklihood of moisture corroding the
calipers.  The
	problem with pumping up the brake pedal to bleed the system is
that you
	frequently get master cylinder piston travel outside the normal
range seen
	while operating the car.  This can result in the piston seals
being exposed
	to rough spots in the cylinder, probably caused by corrosion,
so the seals
	stop sealing and the brakes get funky.   You also want to change
really old
	brake hoses (I'm doing mine now every five years unless there's
signs of
	earlier deterioration like cracks in the rubber).  If the hoses
can bulge
	any, that's reducing your braking power.  And a hose that can
bulge might
	At 09:33 PM 4/18/2006 -0700, Gunter Lorberg wrote:
	>Could someone straighten me out and tell me how I should be
bleeding the
	>brakes on my 1990 V8 with UFO's.
	>I had to replace the brake pads at all four corners.....which
for my
	>purposes meant removing the rear calipers and temporarily
disconnecting the
	>brake hoses from the calipers.  So I had to bleed the brakes.
I proceeded
	>in the same manner I have many times before on other cars
without the
	>assistance of a vacuum pump tool, but with the help of someone
	>and subsequently releasing the brake pedal on my command while
I opened or
	>closed the brake caliper bleeder valve nipples in the order of
	>wheel from the master cylinder to the closest.  The end result
appears to be
	>satisfactory but it would be nice to do without as much brake
	>sponginess as is possible.  Does any V8 owner actually have a
truly firm
	>brake pedal???
	>My question to anyone is should I be employing a different
technique?  If
	>so, how, and why?
	>This is the first car I've owned with ABS and I'm not certain
that some
	>special technique is not required.
	>As an aside, the brake fluid was not filthy and the pistons,
'sliding pins',
	>and e-brake levers were all moving quite nicely.........always
a good thing.
	>Anyone out there have a kit to part with to upgrade to even
more beefy
	>brakes than the UFO's (Porche?).....without  breaking the bank?
	>(2) 1990 'Canadian' V8's with automatics (and UFO's)
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