[V8] LAC: Biodiesels, Diesels, TDIs' etc...

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Apr 26 14:35:09 EDT 2006

I don't think I have ever got over 18. I fall off the wagon pretty easy
Normally I get 15-16ish. Worse when it is cold.

Just out of curiousity, I have given some thought to putting a different engine
in the ol V8 some day. I would be going for maximum mileage and not be worrying
about power. I rarely leave the city anymore so this is just a commuter car.
In about 20K miles, I am going to need a t-belt again and at that time I really
need to do a head job and perhaps even replace the rings. Given the expected
cost of all of this, it seems reasonable to think about something else. I am not
ready to give up the car though.

Any thoughts? Doesn't Audi have a V6 TDI? That would be fun.


Quoting Ed Kellock <ekellock at gmail.com>:

> In my V8q 5spd, when I really work at it I can get 20 mpg around town.  It's
> no damn fun, but I can do it.
> Ed
> On 4/26/06, cobram at juno.com <cobram at juno.com> wrote:
> >
> > A4?  Try a V8Q, some SUV's get better mileage.  Not complaining though,
> > worth ever nickle and then some once you get behind the wheel.
> >
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