[V8] Ever wonder why the newer Audis (and other cars) are sooo heavy?
Greg Furstenwerth
SlicerDicer at mac.com
Wed Aug 2 11:12:57 EDT 2006
I have always owned Audi's or VW. I am 24 years old :)
1968 VW Bug,
1984 4000SQ
1993 V8Q
I dont eat at McDonalds either! and I want wal-mart to DIE!!! I guess I
am different :)
Steve Meyer wrote:
> Audi is learning from marketing giants like Wal-Mart,
> McDonald's and Applebee's. Pump some advertising and
> people will buy! Do people really want to eat at
> McDonalds or Applebees? Not really, but we don't know
> any better because it's too much work to find a local
> restuarant, so we take mediocre food in exchange for
> convenience and conformaty. Wal-Mart isn't always the
> cheapest, but I'd bet a large percentage of their
> customer's feel it is. And they have the power to make
> themselves the only choice in town (although we'd hate
> to call it a monopoly).
> Now, I realize buying a car is a much different
> experience than buying paper towels and toothpaste,
> but as the next generations of car buyers start
> hitting the luxury market(people like me) they will
> buy whatever is in front of them. I feel people in
> their 20s and 30s now have very short attention spans.
> We grew up in front of TVs and video games. Things
> move fast in our heads. We like alot of change and
> don't really remember why we liked something. If you
> can trick us into thinking we have always liked it and
> that eveyone else likes it...then we'll buy it. How do
> cell phone companies make it when all they do is
> overcharge your bill and give you crappy phones. The
> only people complaining are 50 year olds. We might
> complain a little, but as long as they keep telling us
> they are doing all they can and that they are the
> best/cheapest, we'll believe them.
> What I'd like to see is some actual data showing
> automotive buying habits of 20-35 year olds. Is there
> any loyalty at all? Does it matter how great your car
> is? Or your service? Or will they buy something
> different most the time anyway?
> There's my $.04 worth!
> Steve
>> That record breaking profit view of theirs is very
>> myopic. Anybody can jab
>> the customer in the $$$ short term and laugh all the
>> way to the bank. They
>> better enjoy it cause they won't make many trips.
>> Long term it will come back on
>> them and their market share will drop dramatically.
>> Long term steady growth is always better for my
>> money. As many have said
>> here already, they don't fully understand marketing,
>> merchandising, and branding.
>> It would appear that genuine care for the
>> customer/consumer is a lost art.
>> Everywhere!
>> Dennis
>> Denver
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