[V8] Ronz excellent adventure****UPDATE****

Coleman, David David.Coleman at blackrock.com
Wed Dec 20 21:55:53 EST 2006

Does Delaware count as near ohio?  

David A. Coleman
Sent via BlackBerry Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com
To: v8 at audifans.com
Sent: Wed Dec 20 21:42:02 2006
Subject: [V8] Ronz excellent adventure****UPDATE****

Well as the Ron turns has turned again....
I just bought a Black on Grey 91 V8 5spd in Michigan
instead of the Pearl one in Seattle.
So looks like for all concerned that I'll be in Ohio
the weekend of the 29/30/31st. So plenty of time to
GTG with you guys. I got a few listers from Michigan
tagging along...& a few crazys from the East Coast
that may make the trip to Ohio.

So anyone in the Ohio area want to get together speak


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