[V8] Oil Pressure Gauge&v8 Sighting

Jason Wilkerson wilke_jb at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 21 08:37:35 EST 2006

Hello all,
   Got alot to cover so here goes:
 1. Oil pressure guage should sit at 1.5-2 bar for idle, 4.5-5bar for on
the throttle.  If you are having trouble, it could be the gauge but more
likely it is the sensor, which can sometimes be rebuilt - I just did mine
and it works like a charm, you can also adjust them but you will have to
hook a gauge to the block to check it.
 2. Saw a black v8q while going through Kentucky on monday 11:30am - it
was on I64east about mile 50 near Graffenburg (sp?)- this is neat for me
because apart from the two v8's I've owned I have only seen three other
v8's in person.  Was it a lister.
 3. Got my personallized plate for the v8 - any guesses on what it says?


P.S. - Ron I wish I could meet with you guys in Ohio - sounds like real
fun but I don't think it will happen this time.

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