[V8] Lumpy Power steering

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Wed Dec 27 11:27:06 EST 2006

Four things come to mind to me:

slipping belt (will be evident soon...)
air in system (usually easy to get out)
wrong/too heavy oil
pump is worn out

I am using the Chevron Rykon 32 oil (for maybe two years now) and it seems to
work great - but in extreme cold it may be a little thick. It is fine after just
a few minutes of driving though.
There is a RYKON 16 for the more northern folks.
The really nice thing about this oil is it is fairly cheap, and you have to buy
it by the 5 gallon bucket. You have plenty of oil to flush the system out
several times and still have plenty left over.
I also highly recommend an in-line filter. My hydraulic oil stays pretty clean
after several flushings and with the filter.
RYKON is clear out of the bucket.

Here are some low res pictures of the filter:


Quoting Mark Kalbskopf <gbmarc at cox.net>:

> After my power steering became increasingly stiff, at lower speeds
> especially it seemed when slowing down for a tight turn or in a
> parking lot, and after I noticed the brake warning light flickering
> on, I ordered and installed a new pressure accumulator.
> The pressure hose to the accumulator was weeping so I got Spokane
> House of Hose to fabricate me a new one (Highly recommend their
> service by the way).
> The result of all this lying under the car, was that the brake
> warning light is now quiet but the power steering shows virtually no
> improvement.
> It's kind of lumpy like there's pockets of resistance. I may be
> imagining it, but it might be worse when turning right.
> There's no problem at higher speed but try slowing down for a sharp
> right turn from a cold start and you get a little work out.
> (The steering rack was rebuilt about 25000 miles ago.)
> Anyone, got some suggestions?  My daughter's driving the car mostly
> now and her definition of a muscle car is changing a little!
> Mark.
> 90 V8    185000
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