[V8] Ronz excellent adventure***what an UPDATE***

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 28 19:12:19 EST 2006

Well well wellllllll...I thank the Audi GODS for
sending the limited # of 5spd's to the US! Cause there
is nothing like a 5spd V8!
I'll get into great detail about the car when I get
back to Ma$$..but needless to say. This car is
freaking incredable. & the price I paid is laughable!

I'm in Michigan now & would love to GTG with some of
you Michiganites...I'm at Tim's house. If any of you
are in...or around Charlotte shoot me an e-mail & we
can meet up.

 So were off to Ohio to see Keith on Sat & is he going
to hate me for buying this car. It needs
nothing...sept the 4.2 motor & other goodies I have.

 But more to come on the


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