[V8] Tire Size on 17-inch Wheels

daves745t at optonline.net daves745t at optonline.net
Fri Dec 29 17:54:34 EST 2006

Quick question - on a 17-inch rim, 
is a 60mm sidewall too high? Does anyone
know if it will rub?  I've got 45mm sidewalls
on now and 1) the gap between the top of
the fender and the tire is large, but more
importantly 2) I've nailed a couple of potholes
that rattled my fillings and a higher sidewall
would definitely improve the ride.

I measured the space and it would seem to 
clear with room to spare, but I checked out
the Wheel Database on Jeremy's site and I 
didn't see any example of 60mm sidewalls on 
a 17-inch rim.  Plus the pic of the Boleros (and
some other 17s) were running tires 40mm sidewalls
and there didn't seem to be a heck of a lot of space
to spare, although the pics can certainly be

Thanks as always, and Happy New Year everyone! 
May your V8Q shift smoothly, idle quietly and 
never leak fluids.
90 Pearl

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