[V8] Ronz excellent adventure--Keith GTG

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 29 21:25:14 EST 2006

Yes I spoke too Keith & all is set. Meeting up at/or
round 11:am.
A few more listers are meeting up on the drive
over..should be a who's who of hot cars.

This is going to be quiet the caravan of Audis going
to Springfield ;->

Ron mit 5spd

 Quote......Ingo whispered
>So Ron should be speaking with Keith this a.m.
>regarding what time  
>people should be at Keith' s tomorrow.  I'll be
>likely leaving for  
>Tim Hollister's place in Charlotte, MI -- pronounced
>CHAR-LOTT here  
>so as not to be confused with that NC City ;-) at
>around 5 am.

>I'm sure Ron will update everyone with the time
>schedule.  Looking  
>forward to seeing everybody!


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