[V8] Give me a brake

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Feb 2 13:13:48 EST 2006

... in over 25 years of Audi ownership on 6 different cars (more when you count my BiL's Audis) the only time I've ever had to mess with the handbrake yoke mechanism under the car was when a cable broke.  If for some reason you think you need to adjust this I'd recommend checking everything over first to see if there isn't another problem.  First candidate would be the E-brake return springs on the calipers, and second would be binding in the cables themselves.  I'm afraid that if you adjust the yoke you'd create more problems than you solve.  

Steve B
San José, CA (USA)
> The adjustment is under the center of the car. You will probably have to
> remove the exhaust, but I'm not 100% sure of that. There is a cable that
> goes off the handle down there. Then, there is a threaded rod on the end of
> it, and a U shaped piece if steel screwed on. The two cables for each side
> are attached to that U. Unscrew the nut on the threaded rod, and that
> loosens the e'brake adjustment.

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