[V8] Give me a brake

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Thu Feb 2 18:03:06 EST 2006

The internals of the caliper need cleaning and lubing.  It's a real
project, but has been done/reported in Audifans archives repeatedly.  The
e-brake cable pulls a lever that pushes on an intermediate piece that
pushes on the rod the caliper piston is threaded onto, thus putting
pressure on the brake pads.  The space in the caliper becomes filled with
corrosion over a time.  Total disassembly of the caliper and a thorough
cleaning with application of the appropriate high-temp lubricant will
return the e-brake operation to normal for a while.

At 11:54 AM 2/2/2006 -0800, Paul Jager wrote:
>I'm basically not using my e-brake. With everything lubed etc, it seems like
>the return spring is too weak. Are they known to loose there strength?
>Without tapping the cam back in place, the pads bind after application of
>the brake.
>Paul Jager
>-----Original Message-----
>From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf
>Of Buchholz, Steven
>Sent: February 2, 2006 10:17 AM
>To: v8 at audifans.com
>Subject: RE: [V8] Give me a brake
>... in over 25 years of Audi ownership on 6 different cars (more when you
>count my BiL's Audis) the only time I've ever had to mess with the handbrake
>yoke mechanism under the car was when a cable broke.  If for some reason you
>think you need to adjust this I'd recommend checking everything over first
>to see if there isn't another problem.  First candidate would be the E-brake
>return springs on the calipers, and second would be binding in the cables
>themselves.  I'm afraid that if you adjust the yoke you'd create more
>problems than you s
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