[V8] Things not to do with your V8 - Volume 1

Carter Johnson carterjohnson3 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 8 08:14:17 EST 2006

Never leave it to me to do things the easy way.....

Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:
  Wow, and the V8 has that neat screw-in tow hook. You don't even have to
get down on your knees.

At 11:09 AM 2/7/2006 -0800, Carter Johnson wrote:
>And I KNEW I shouldn't. But I did. And I screwed myself. 
> I had to get my "new" GT out of a snow bank and into storage. It was icy, 
>so I thought instead of digging through 10 feet of ice twice to make tracks, 
>I would use Der TorqueMeister to get the GT out. Good idea. Worked like a 
>charm. Car came right out. However, my lapse of judgement (I KNOW, I KNOW, 
>I KNOW not to do this) was to use the trunk pin as a tow point. I just 
>wanted to get it done quick and I figured 10 feet wouldn't matter. It did - 
>to the tune of 1/4 inch. I pulled the whole panel out just a hair and bent 
>the pin. So, after much hammering, swearing, slamming of the trunk, getting 
>on my hands and knees to see why it wouldn't latch, and shimming the pin out 
>1/4 inch with 4 spacers from something in the new GT (the misc. bolt 
>bucket), I got the trunk to latch. Total time to move the car 10 feet? 2 
> Doh.
> I couldn't be bothered to just get a little dirty to start with, huh...
> idiot.
> Carter
>W. Carter Johnson
>SileStone/Counterfitt of RI
>401-789-3217 home
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W. Carter Johnson
SileStone/Counterfitt of RI
401-789-3217 home
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 PhotoMail  - it's free and works with Yahoo! Mail.

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