[V8] Stealer parts

S_Matus scott_matus at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 8 14:07:43 EST 2006

This is exactly the problem I'm finding with different dealers in my area.  I cannot believe that the prices vary so much.  

The Parts I'm seeking will not have an aftermarket and definately "Audi only" parts.  Nobody makes aftermarket body parts for RS6.



Message: 8
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 12:35:59 -0600
From: sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Subject: Re: [V8] Stealer parts
To: scott_matus at yahoo.com
Cc: v8 at audifans.com
Message-ID: <10a152310a43df.10a43df10a1523 at texas.rr.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Audi publishes recomended list prices, of which dealers then can modify 
to their choosing. The standard wholesale rate is 20 percent of 
published list prices. Publish list prices vary but are typically about 
40 percent over the cost of the part. Most dealers however mark up 
their prices from list, some as much as 50 percent more than the list 
price which means their total profit margin on parts sold at this cost 
is 90 percent.

----- Original 

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