[V8] Stealer parts

dsaad at icehouse.net dsaad at icehouse.net
Thu Feb 9 19:13:53 EST 2006

My very first experience with Audi prices was for my 1984 4000 when it needed a
new O2 sensor at 60K miles - as per the service recomendations.
I went to buy it - and they wanted something like $70 for it. When the counter
dude brought it out I noticed that the packaging said VW all over it so just for
fun, and without telling him what I was up to, I asked for another sensor for a
VW of the same year. He came right out with it and what do you know - they were
the same part, but the "Audi" one was twice the price.
He stood there with his mouth hanging open for a while then sold me the "VW" one
for a few bucks off the list price.


Quoting Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com:

> IMHO, you want to make sure they are indeed dealer only parts as many of
> our sponsors offer discounts on the Bosch parts etc.
> Excepting that, dealers do have diffent costs and prices some as dictated
> by Audi or general market.  It also depends on whether there is another
> dealer around.  If you really want to have fun, get a price on an Audi/VW
> part (some are identical) from the dealer that has both brands!
> Mike

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