[V8] 14 hours to remove rack?

Jeff Goldberg gold123 at ntelos.net
Wed Feb 15 07:21:19 EST 2006

I had this issue when removing the rack.  The Bentley instructions
on page 48-100-4 are clear on what to do:

"NOTE: If the steering gear cannot be moved sideways over
transmission, loosen subframe and lower rear subframe mounting bolts
until steering gear can be removed."

I'm not sure why this happens.  Could be I'm just a noob or maybe
differences in motor mounts.  In either case, I loosened the front
subframe bolts slightly and the rear ones enough to lower the
subframe and gain the clearance.  It took me three hours to remove,
even with the extra step.


-----Original Message-----
From: v8-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:v8-bounces at audifans.com] On
Behalf Of pdlord at talent.com.au
Sent: Tuesday, February 14, 2006 10:50 PM
To: V8 at audifans.com
Subject: [V8] 14 hours to remove rack?

This is what my pwr steer expert claims he has spent to get out the
rack. Hmmm,
given it is 1-3 hours from what I hear (even for RHD cars, like
mine) what has
happened here?

He claims he simply couldn't get the 2-inch clearance to move rack
(towards front of car) and thus clear the rack 'head' (where it
bolts onto
column) without first dropping back of the transmission. He had to
remove rack
out of the LEFT wheel well. Huh? Only thing I can think of is he
didn't twist
rack to get it out.

I kinda whish I tackled the job now, as hard as it may have been, as
I'd spend
the time to make sure it was right...

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