[V8] Why you stick a V8....

Roger M. Woodbury rmwoodbury at adelphia.net
Sat Feb 18 09:00:22 EST 2006

Absolutely.  A twin turbo V8 in a Type 44 Avant would be a magnificent
machine indeed.

BUT it doesn't work for me for the simple reason that the car's intended
purpose is to be a daily driver, which means that the power has to be
harnessed and managed to the road in all weather and over a wide variety of

Having the torque available that will throw the car to sixty miles per hour
in 4 seconds is without value to me, as it is simply valueless when there
are three inches of slush on the road.  

I question whether or not an S6 Avant would work at all also, simply because
the car sits lower on the ground than a regular garden variety A6.  

The reason why I have a 20Valve Avant, is that it is the highest iteration
of the Type 44 Avant, which was a car with beginnings in 1984.  In 1985 my
wife (of that time) and I bought a new 5000CS Avant (non-quattro).  A nice
but unsorted car, not really made for the US market.

Then some years later (wife #2 having been sloughed off successfully), I
bought a used, and well worn 5000CS Turbo Avant (1987).  I put a hundred
thousand miles on that car, and then, with it suffering from terminal engine
syndrome, donated the car to a charity for the tax credit.

The '89 200 Avant was a great car, but down a bit on power.

The 20 Valve with a chipped ecu, is nearly perfect, all in all, as a daily
driver.  It needs no more power than it has as a daily driver, but there
will come a time when it is just not going to answer the call, or there will
be parts that are unavailable.  Hence, what the next step will be.  

My father is still driving in his nineties, so I plan on needing a daily
driver for three decades....I doubt that the 20 Valve will last that long.

Or maybe it will.


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