[V8] momo steering wheel question

Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com Michele_Deltergo at KeyBank.com
Wed Jan 4 14:45:22 EST 2006

Easy as pie, for proper horn function you need to get a non air bag set of
steering column covers. Non airbag cars have the  horn ring on the column
covers and air bag cars have them on the wheel.  Get the correct covers and
a MOMO 2507 and your golden.  I have the Audi sport wheel (Nardi) on my V8
and it looks great.  Anybody wanting to go this route, let me kow, plenty
of wheels and hubs!

Message: 4
Subject: [V8] momo steering wheel question.

Has anyone sucessfully installed a momo steering wheel on a V8, without a
load of modifications.

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