[V8] Re: The saga of The Black Mariah continues

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Sat Jan 7 16:38:31 EST 2006

Roger M. Woodbury wrote:

 > Minusses:
 > 1.  Those terrible Audi 200 headlights.  I am planning on a
 > driving light augmentation, and will probably use some big
 > rectangular driving lights instead of Euros which are getting
 > really hard to find.

You might consider the "cheap" China imports. The archives
don't seem to be working, so here is a posting I saved:

Subject: Re: Qiimport vision headlights for '91 - '94 100
From: "John Cassidy" <jcassidy at diamondconstruction.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 15:12:41 -0700
To: <quattro at audifans.com>

I purchased a set of Import Vision Euros for wifey's CQ.  The price
was about 1/3 what I expected.  The lights are Depo, and are made in
China. Upon opening the box, I was dissappointed with what appeared
to be flimsy cheezey quality, but I installed them anyway as I had
them.  The install was simple (other than the Audi factor).  Pretty
much plug and play, as I used standard wattages w/no relays.  The
dissapointment over the quality was over the moment I switched them
on after dark.  Every bit as enlightening as the Bosch E-codes
installed on a 200q once owned. ...

John Cassidy

 > Do I miss my V8?  Absolutely and resoundingly:  YES!  And I
 > want another one.  A '93 or rarest of the rare, a '94 that will
 > be the "nice" car and one that my wife can drive when we take
 > long trips together.

Roger, I fear that you'll never find the low mileage and priced
right example you want.  Just buy the best car you can find in
the color combination you want, and repeat what you've already
been through. :)

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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