[V8] '91 V8 Oil leak at Timing Belt cover?

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Tue Jan 10 12:19:50 EST 2006

I've got my '90 open right now and it looks like both the oil pump drive
bearing and the cam bearing or valve cover are leaking a lot.  So much so
that I think that's probably the cause of the intermittent no-charge or low
charge that's been happening because the alternator is pretty soaked with
oil.  I just dropped it off at a rebuilder this morning.

I would venture to say that the V8 timing belt is very much unlike the
1.8tbelt.  There's some complex tensioning hardware in there and a
procedure for adjusting it.  Just FYI.


On 1/10/06, Joe.Griffith at akerkvaerner.com <Joe.Griffith at akerkvaerner.com>
> My '91 V8 with 135K has a rather large amount of oil leaking from the
> bottom outside of the passenger side timing belt cover. (1 drop every 2
> seconds while above 2K RPM)
> Until very recently I was using about a quart of oil about every 600 to
> 800 miles. Yesterday I went through about 4 quarts during my daily
> commute.
> I guessing that it is coming from the camshaft seal, anybody have any
> other thoughts?
> The PO had the timing belt changed at about 80K, and I was planning to
> replace it again in the spring.  But  it looks like I'll be doing the
> timing belt replacement with all of the other seals ASAP.
> Blaufergnugen has a kit for $459 that looks like it includes the belt,
> roller bearings, water pump, dampener shock, and antifreeze.  They also
> rent the special tools for $75. I obviously need to get the crank, cam,
> and oil pump seals as well but the kit seams like a decent price.
> Anybody have any other ideas on the best (least expensive) place to get
> the parts?
> Do I really need to rent the tools?
> I replaced the timing belt on my 99 A4 1.8T about 2 years ago so I have
> some idea of what I'm in for.  I have the Bentley manual and have read
> and reread "Changing the timing belt on early V8" in the KB.
> If anybody that's BTDT and could shed some more light on any thing that
> could make it easier I would greatly appreciate it.
> Thanks
> Joe
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