[V8] wheel question

kyle leatherwood kyle_leatherwood at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 17 22:53:29 EST 2006

Okay.  I am interested in "spiffing" up my 91 V8 5 speed by putting some 
nice wheels that are "worthy" of being on such a machine.  I love the looks 
of some of the OZ racing rims, some of the PIAA rims, and love the Racing 
Hart rims.  However, I am finding it hard to find the rims that I want in a 
17" rim and that is a 5X112 lug pattern and a 35 mm offset.

Anyone have any ideas of where to look. I really do not want 18" wheels, 
which seems to be all of
the 5X112 wheels i really like.  I really want a 17" wheel and I would like 
to stay away from the "universal" wheels, but if the right looking rim came 
along I might consider them.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



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