[V8] Who Works on ECUs?

Ingo Rautenberg i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Wed Jan 18 13:23:17 EST 2006

See, I still see a problem.  You shouldn't have a steady idle of 1100 to 1200 rpm (even with the auto ECU).  That is too high. Have you checked the O2 sensor by unplugging it?  I've had sheared O2 wires that threw the O2 values way out of wack trying to  get the engine to compensate.  Bad info in  -- bad info out or something like that.  Last thing would be to check for jammed cruise control rod, with the bushing at the edge of failure.

Best of luck.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carol, Dave, and Zach Weiss 
  To: 'Ed Kellock' ; 'Ingo Rautenberg' 
  Cc: 'V8 List' 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 1:27 AM
  Subject: RE: [V8] Who Works on ECUs?

  Good ideas.  Alex at IA also recommended looking for intake vacuum leaks, and said that plug wires too near the speed sensor wiring can confuse the ECU.

  We (yes, I sought professional help) have looked for and not found a vacuum leak.  I think in this case the problem really is the computer, because on swapping in a computer from an automatic, the idle was consistently around 1100-1200 rpm with no trouble codes.  With my computer, it is down around 800-900 until it decides to be in the 2000-3000+ range--this typically occurs when pulling up to a stop sign.  If it were a vacuum leak, I'd expect code 2231 saying that the output to the ISV is out of range.  The code we're seeing is 2111, and the manual mentions the possibility that the Motronic itself has a problem.

  Only option besides fixing the ECU is getting one from another (but automatic) car.  Anybody know the consequences of using an ECU out of an automatic, other than the higher idle?  Can it be tweeked to get the idle down?  Putting in the IA chip should take care of the maps.


  -----Original Message-----
  From: Ed Kellock [mailto:ekellock at gmail.com] 
  Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 12:17 PM
  To: Ingo Rautenberg
  Cc: Carol, Dave, and Zach Weiss; V8 List
  Subject: Re: [V8] Who Works on ECUs?

  I've also heard that the climate control vacuum box can leak.  I believe I have that issue and have not yet pursued it.  It seems fairly clear though since any setting (even Econ, so not a/c compensation from the ISV) aside from OFF will cause the idle to increase. 



  On 1/17/06, Ingo Rautenberg <irautenberg at comcast.net> wrote: 


  Have you thoroughly checked for vacuum leaks?  I thought I had until I found
  that black plastic hard line that goes from the vacuum valve at the firewall 
  and loops around the inside pass side fender -- had a 1" tear along the
  underside.  Also, how is your V8's performance otherwise?  Is it down from
  where you remember it?  A little thirstier, maybe?  FPR more than 2 years 
  old?  Replace it.  Cured my idle problem like that, though I can't say I was
  getting the speed sensor code.

  Don't know of anyone that works on these ECUs, but you can certainly check
  with Ned.

  Good luck. 


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: "Carol, Dave, and Zach Weiss" <cdzweiss at charter.net>
  To: "V8 List" < v8 at audifans.com>
  Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:33 AM
  Subject: [V8] Who Works on ECUs?

  Looks like the intermittent high idle problem is the computer-new idle
  stabilizer and speed sensor, rung out all the wiring from the computer to 
  the sensors, and it's still throwing the speed sensor code (and only that
  code).  It seems the computer clamps the idle when it loses the speed sensor
  input; otherwise, it should be reporting idle stabilization out of range. 
  An ECU from an automatic has no codes, and the car runs normally with it
  (although at a slightly higher idle than a 5-speed would).

  I have Ned's chip, but IA seems to be more into turbos these days.  Is there 
  anybody that repairs ECUs, or should I try to get Ned himself involved?

  Dave Weiss

  91 5-speed

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