[V8] Engine Speed Sensor

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Thu Jan 19 20:43:35 EST 2006

Engine Speed Sender  (G28) is part #  077 905 381A, and the Ignition
Reference Sender (G4) is part # 077 905 381.  They're identical except for
the G28 having gray color in its wiring and the G4 having black.  They
reside together behind a heat shield that's buried beneath the driver side
exhaust tube spaghetti.  They plug into their respectively color-coded
connectors that you can only get to by removing the air filter box.  I
think the G4 is NLA, but the G28 reportedly is still available and
supposedly, the same part from other Type 44 sedans will work.  Most of us
have concluded that since you have to take both out (they fall out when you
remove the heat shield), and since they're such a PITA to get to, it's
worth replacing both.  I got two G28s some time back and wrapped the wiring
for one in black electrical tape so I could figure out easily which one
goes to which connector because I couldn't install and hook up in the same
process.  I was installing from underneath and connecting from above.
Engine won't run without a working G28 and won't start when hot with a
failing G4.

At 07:09 PM 1/19/2006 -0500, bblake1055 at aol.com wrote:
>I finally broke down and bought the Ross-Tech software for the V8
>The car has not been running for several months now due to no fuel (it would 
>start with starting fluid and then stall)
>The only fault reading was 
>"Engine Speed Sensor" - No signal
>If that's true I guess it sends a signal to the fuel pump.
>So---- my question is: Where is the sensor located and is this part readily 
>Thanks for any help
>Bob Blake
>90 V8
>91 V8
>92 V8
>93 V8
>93 V8 5 spd
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